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5 Gut Types And How To Identify Yours

We recently announced that we would be specializing in gut health and all things related to gut health. So I'm starting things off with the 5 different known gut types. Gut types may not be well known in western medicine but are very prevalent in eastern functional medicine. And knowing your gut type helps with identifying certain imbalances within the gut and what steps to take to heal. And let me preface by saying that your gut type may start as one type and then transition over to a different type depending on your lifestyle, diet, and stress levels. At some point, you may have experienced all 5 gut types (not all at once, of course). So without further ado, let's get to it!

#1 Brain-Gut

I recently spoke about our gut being a second brain and its ability to communicate with the brain in our heads. It's called the brain-gut connection (yes, it's a real thing). So whatever is going on with us mentally, it shows up in our gut, throwing things off-balance. The more you stress, the more your gut suffers, and vice versa. This back and forth effect can cause more mental health symptoms and inadvertently more gut imbalance (and the cycle continues to repeat).

Indicator symptoms: Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Headache/Migraine, Autism, Alzheimer's, Brain Fog

Imbalance in Cortisol and Stress

#2 Digestive Gut

This one is probably more well known than the other gut types and the indicators are so prevalent that they seem like "normal" bodily functions (constant bloat and gas aren't necessarily normal). The symptoms of the digestive gut are signs and signals from the body that something is off balance. That "something" can range from minor to major depending on your specific gut issues. The digestive gut may come about from eating intolerable foods like gluten and dairy. Or it may come from restricting certain foods like going fat-free or low carb.

Indicator symptoms: Bloating, Gas, Constipation, Diarrhea, GERD

Imbalance in the gut

#3 Hormonal Gut

Similar to the brain-gut, our hormones are also in direct connection with the gut. If the gut is thrown off then our hormones will be off-balance and vice versa. And when the word hormone is mentioned, we usually think of estrogen, and testosterone, right? But there are a few more that are just as important: the sleep hormone, thyroid hormone, insulin hormone, and stress hormone. When these hormones are off-balance they can cause major weight gain, fatigue, and blood sugar issues.

Indicator symptoms: Insomnia, PMS, Menstrual Irregularities, Weight Gain, Blood Sugar Imbalance, PCOS, Hypothyroidism, Endometriosis

Imbalance in hormones and metabolism

#4 Immune Gut

As I mentioned before, there is a percentage of your immunity located in your gut. The actual percentage varies on which medical expert you speak to. I've seen research say the percentage is as low as 10% and other research say it's more like 70%. But no matter what the percentage (we could be here all day arguing that point), it is a fact that there is immunity residing in the gut. I think the immune gut is similar to the digestive gut because the symptoms are very common and considered "normal." And as with the digestive gut, the symptoms are our body's way of trying to tell us that something is off-balance, but we ignore the message or cover it up with medication and remedies that only temporarily subside the issue instead of healing it all together. With immunity gut, some of the symptoms have a genetic quality to them (meaning you got it from your momma, lol) and genetics can't be changed, it is what it is and that's what it is going to be. Nonetheless, healing your gut can help bring things back in to balance and recede symptoms.

Indicator symptoms: Allergies, Asthma, Sinus Issues, Colds, Skin Breakouts

Imbalance in the respiratory area and dermis (skin)

#5 Toxic Gut

This gut type is very tricky. It is an enigma to most because the symptoms are very sporadic and random and may not be related in any way. Most people with toxic gut, can't seem to remedy their symptoms, and when they think they have gotten a handle on one symptom, here comes another (ugh). Unfortunately, inflammation is dominant with this gut type and autoimmunity tends to be historically common. And toxic gut types tend to have food sensitivities, a sensitivity to certain chemicals, and possibly a sensitivity to smell.

Indicator symptoms: Bacterial Infections, Vertigo, Lyme Disease, Autoimmunity, Food Sensitivity

Imbalance in immunity

References: (Lax, 2021) "The 5 Gut Types: How To Know Yours, From A Functional Medicine Specialist" - Lauryn Lax, OTD, NTP, CPT

Well, there you have it. All 5 gut types and their most common indicators. Did you figure out which gut type you are? Did you recognize that you may have been one gut type previously but are now a different gut type currently? I think we all have been digestive gut types in one form or another, I know I have. But I am also a hormonal gut type and I know that I used to be an immune gut type. I suffered from seasonal allergies and sinus issues for years. But after some gut healing and nutritional knowledge (like this article), I am proud to say that allergies/sinus issues haven't bothered me in decades. I'm constantly striving to heal my gut, so even my hormonal gut symptoms aren't as bad as they used to be. I'm a work in progress and TBD.

And I know what you are thinking, "now that I have identified my gut type, what can I do to heal it?" You ask great questions and you came to the right place for help. Noire Nutrition can help you find your gut healing, whatever that gut type may be. We specialize in individual nutritional support that will help heal your gut through food and lifestyle changes. If you are ready (or even curious) to get your gut healing commenced, scroll down to the bottom of this page and sign up for a free 20-minute consultation.

Be sure to check back weekly for more exciting blog articles, subscribe to our email list, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, and contact us for a free 20-minute nutritional consultation. If you have questions, comments, or topics you want us to blog about, email us at, we are happy to help.

Stay Healthy and Eat Your Medicine!

Noire Nutrition

Aziza Lucas, NTP

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