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"The difference between a broken community and a thriving one is the presence of women who are valued."  

- Michele Obama

I'm extremely passionate about uplifting and inspiring women into becoming their absolute best selves through health and wellness. Going through my health struggles and sharing my experience with the women around me, I realized I wasn't alone. We all had similar health situations (or knew of someone who did). The other commonality was none of us wanted to be pacified with long-term medication, so I started a quest to find natural solutions to common health issues. Weight gain, fatigue, constipation, stress, sudden hair loss, always cold, irregular monthly cycle, severe migraines, dark under-eye circles, and adult acne, were just a few of my symptoms that went unresolved when I would visit my doctor. After researching food as medicine and making a few small changes to my diet I started to see improvements and realized that I needed to share my information with other women. I got certified in Nutritional Therapy and decided to dedicate my nutritional education to helping women overcome their symptoms and improve their lives.  As a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am interested in working with individuals dealing with nagging symptoms related to weight gain, energy loss, hormone imbalance, stress, and food sensitivities.  If you are experiencing any of those symptoms or if you want to improve your health, you may benefit from my services. I would love the opportunity to partner with you to help you reach your goal.

Meet Monica, NTP

Nice to meet you.  I'm Monica.

I'd love to partner with you on your journey to optimal health.

My health journey has been a roller coaster ride of mountain highs and deep valley lows.  In my late 20's I was met with thyroid issues, poor sleep patterns, and fibroids.  Fast forward to my mid-thirties; I experienced a major breakdown of my immune system in the form of Type 1 diabetes.  Back then, I relied heavily on medications that often masked the underlying root cause of my conditions.  I now realize my ailments was my body nudging me to do something differently.  My body needed something more than the conventional approach to health.  I would later discover that conventional medicine partnered with a holistic approach would be the key to unlock my optimal health.  I was on an endless search to feel better and find the root causes of my health issues.  After much searching and discovery, I found the Nutritional Therapy Association.  Here is where I found answers to questions I had for decades.  I learned to go deeper than just looking at the surface of a symptom and look for clues of root causes.  Today I am a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP).  I want to partner with you as we discover how to achieve your health goals.

Meet the Women
Behind Noire Nutrition

We are a Nutritional Therapy Practice focused on optimal health and wellness for women of color.  We are a friendly resource for our community, empowering families to get healthy.  Our goal is to nourish and fortify families through nutritional literacy, whole food nutrition, mineral balancing, lifestyle changes, and deep restorative sleep habits.  Our number one mission is to partner with people to help change the trajectory of poor health and disease to optimal health.  

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